Saturday, September 2, 2017

At the passageway: shoes and coats

At the passageway: shoes and coats (на лошадях Игры)

On going into the house early given the propensity for our little to evacuate their shoes immediately, and you can introduce a little wicker container for shoes

what's more, shoes and a coat holder to his tallness.

2. Show him to deal with him

In the shower

In the shower, a little can wash just a couple of body parts from 1 year.

Step by step it takes to overcome his body, and he is very equipped for dealing with his whole can to 4/5 years . On the off chance that one is anxious about the possibility that that the

vital focuses have been overlooked, one can board itself, yet we should be mindful when the youngster will be antsy to be dealt with his

security .

To flush, is instructed to coordinate the shower head against her body s bit by bit and not to surge the restroom. For training, you can put a doll in

the shower and cleanser to play , and permitted her kid cleanser dolls, and the edge of the tub!


The morning and night before bed, we take the propensity for brushing their teeth and to clean the face(девочка из израиля).

For teeth, a kid is not appropriately improved the situation no less than 7 years, so we backpedal up to 5 years behind him at any rate once every day, up to 7 years we

routinely checks subsequent to brushing.

Super guardians photograph 4 montessori

For the face , it is demonstrated to pour the purging milk or liniment on a little cotton, and is instructed to clean the face while looking in a


For her hair , the same is done: before a mirror with a brush or delicate brush.

Pick garments

From 1 year, we can start to clarify why they picked a specific piece of clothing : "Today it's chilly, we will put a sweater and thick socks."

From two years, we can go see the climate at the window in the morning and settle on the association with the decision of various thicknesses(на детской площадке).

From 3 years, we can offer her youngster to set up his night garments the following day you, first with him and afterward allowing it to sit unbothered pick and

approving or not his decision at that point. We figure out how to pick as indicated by the climate, yet in addition as per shading plans, style, and so on.

Dress himself

Super guardians photograph 7 montessori

To dress himself, from 2 years of age , you should First of ace various specialized and particularly give take as much time as is needed.

So the mornings when one is squeezed, it dresses itself his tyke so he can not do only it, and we exploit the morning of the end of the week

to learn unobtrusively.

At first, accessible all together d'enfilage the machine to the ground, in the correct bearing, clarifying that he takes the marks are on the back
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end. We welcome your kid to sit on the floor before the machine, to recognize which leg he will go for.

For the coat, you can put it down, outside face against the ground, and advise the kid to put his feet before the hood. At that point we put on

the arms in the sleeves, and we go everywhere throughout the head, and it's great!

Super guardians photograph 8 montessori

Connect: zippers, catches and Velcro

The perfect is to have for school garments simple to put on , particularly d'éviter bands. This does not avoid d'avoir some garments with confused

clasp, keeping in mind the end goal to prepare.

For zips , it takes a ton of accuracy and Customized drive. We should keep up the low part with the correct hand, and after that pass the well shaft to

the base. And after that we backpedal!

For catches , you can slide her fingers in the opening and get the catch and force it through the buttonhole.

Super guardians photograph 9 montessori

3-Take care of the house

All kids enjoy awesome aiding in the house. Also, if permitted to do it early, it turns into a propensity, and it is gained for what's to come! next blog

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